Basic RiderCourse (BRCu)

  • This course is designed for beginning riders of all ages. The Basic RiderCourse consists of 15 hours of instruction including approximately 5 hours using the online self-paced eCourse and 10 hours of riding on the parking lot range. This course will teach you how to operate a motorcycle safely, and strongly emphasizes the special skills and mental attitude required for dealing with every day riding.
  • You must be able to ride a two-wheeled bicycle to enroll in the BRC.
  • You will learn about different types of motorcycles, their controls, and how they operate. The Rider Coaches, all experienced professionals, will advise you on the proper riding gear to ensure comfort and protection. You will also learn how alcohol and other drugs affect your ability to ride safely.
  • The range is a controlled, off-street, pedestrian-free environment. Students use motorcycles provided by the school to learn and practice safely and correctly the various maneuvers and demanding situations encountered in street riding. Riders must pass both a written test and a riding skills test in order to complete the course. Upon successful completion, you will be exempt from any requirement to take the State test for your motorcycle endorsement at the driver's license office.
  • This course meets the State of Florida requirement for obtaining a motorcycle endorsement on your driver’s license. All students must wear the required protective gear.
  • Important: You are purchasing a seat in the class of your choice. After you select and confirm the date of the class that best fits your schedule, fees are nonrefundable. You must attend all class/range sessions. If you miss a class or range session or for any reason do not fully complete your class, you can purchase a seat in a subsequent class for $.